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Poke a bloke for Men’s Health Week (June 13-19th)

Men’s Health Forum launches jokey app with serious message

A new funny health app for the iPhone called Bloke Noises has been launched to encourage men to take a greater interest in their health. The app has been created for Men’s Health Week by the Men’s Health Forum, the leading male health charity (

Despite their poor health, men are reluctant users of traditional health services like GPs and pharmacists. However, increasing numbers are seeking health information using digital services, especially the internet.

The Men’s Health Forum is encouraging men to download Bloke Noises which will provide them with information about the health problems that are most likely to trouble them. Bloke Noises uses funny sound effects to illustrate some of the common health issues affecting men.

“The use of smartphones presents men with a great opportunity to access information which can significantly improve their health. The technology allows men to access this information in private and on the move,” said Peter Baker, Chief Executive of the Men’s Health Forum.

“We know there is an increase in the percentage of people who have accessed the internet on their mobile phones. In 2002, there was only 11 per cent and this has risen to 31 per cent in 2010*. With the cost of smartphones decreasing and ownership increasing, there is no doubt more men will be using smartphones to access a wide range of heath, lifestyle and other information,” Mr Baker added.

The Bloke Noises app (available free at allows men to take a photo of themselves or a friend’s face and then customise the body depending on lifestyle factors, for instance, diet, drinking and sex life. A cartoon body (with the photo of the head) will then appear and can be sent privately to their friend. When various parts of the body are poked, a relevant but funny sound will be heard. The user will then receive a short health message relevant to that part of the body which will also contain a linked to more detailed content on the Men’s Health Forum health info website

“We believe that the use of humour and new technologies is a great way to break down the barriers that prevent too many men thinking and talking about their health. We are encouraging men to use this app with their friends wherever they have the opportunity, in the pub, at work or just out and about,” said Mr Baker.

For a link to download the app please go to

For press enquires please contact us.

Notes to Editors
Men’s Health Forum and its Men’s Health Week partners are producing a number of online products and activities to support National Men’s Health Week including:
Pfizer’s ManMOT online health clinic (open Monday-Friday during Men’s Health Week at between 6-10pm)
• A free 3 day pass to one of 50 Nuffield Fitness & Wellbeing Centres for any man who registers at
• Health Clicks ‘mini manual’ (A man’s guide to getting the most out of going online)
• A men’s health e-card from NHS Choices

For more information on Men’s Health Week:
* Office of National Statistics

Page created on June 10th, 2011

Page updated on June 10th, 2011
