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Men's Health and Work expert symposium

Update: Read a news story about the sympoisum.

The Men's Health and Work symposium in March 2009 will bring together a range of people with expertise in men's health, occupational health, health promotion, health policy and related areas to discuss three key issues:

  • What we already know about delivering men's health in the workplace, including case studies of effective initiatives.
  • What is not yet known but needs to be known and other barriers to extending and improving delivery.
  • The next steps in terms of research, policy development and practical action.

Professor Dame Carol Black, the National Director for Health and Work will give the keynote speech.

The event will be chaired by Professor Richard Parish, Chief Executive of the Royal Society for Public Health and Professor Ian Banks, President of the Men's Health Forum.

Case studies include Royal Mail Group and NHS Sefton.

Following the event a report will be widely disseminated and used to support a longer-term initiative to encourage progress in this field. This report will, crucially, include a number of case studies which highlight different ways of working effectively with men in a range of workplaces.

In the last two years, MHF has held several successful symposia, most recently a meeting at Manchester City FC looking at the potential role of sport/sports stadia in improving men's health. The outcomes of the cancer symposium directly influenced the government's Cancer Reform Strategy.

Page created on March 20th, 2009

Page updated on January 14th, 2010
