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'User-friendly' bowel cancer testing survey

What sort of home bowel cancer screening test would work best?

Bowel cancer is the second most common cancer killer but, if caught in time, it is treatable. One of the problems is that home screening tests (more formally known as Faecal Occult Blood tests) are perceived as unpleasant and unhygienic to use.

The goal of  Wireless bioDevices Ltd in Scotland is to develop an consumer defined FOB test that provides a 'user friendly experience' essentially guiding you through every step. (Current FOB tests are very vague about sample collection as the material dealt with is somewhat taboo.) They've put together a short survey to try to find out what sort of home testing kit people would be happy to use.

Although this is clearly a commercial project, the MHF has, because of the clear potential benefits to men's health, agreed to run the survey

Dr Osian Meredith of the Wireless BioDevices says: 'The results of the survey are purely research based to allow us to devise the most universally acceptable 'user experience' for this potentially lifesaving test. Any personal details collected (this is purely optional) are for a possible focus group on getting more in-depth feedback on their ideal method.'

Page created on August 29th, 2008

Page updated on December 1st, 2009
