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EMHF calls on the EU to look for the win-win on sport and health

As the World Cup kicks off with 13 European nations competing, MHF president Ian Banks has compared the EU taking action on sport and physical activity to an all European World Cup Final - a win-win situation for the continent. 

Ian BanksIan was speaking in his capacity as president of the European Men's Health Forum as the EMHF called on the EU and member states to mark International Men’s Health Week 2010 by getting active on men’s health – and helping men get active too.

Under the Lisbon treaty, the EU is now developing its first ever policy on sport. The EMHF are asking that it include a strong social marketing element designed to raise awareness of the link between being physically active and being healthy.

Ian Banks said: ‘With a recent Eurobarometer survey showing that a third of Europeans don’t take any exercise, the need to get Europe’s 500 million citizens moving again has never been stronger.

‘Three quarters of those polled in the survey admitted that there were opportunities to be active in their area so we’re not asking for vast expenditure on new facilities or stadia, we are simply asking for encouragement, we’re asking for an awareness-raising campaign. Many people just don’t realise that taking no exercise at all is as dangerous as smoking.’

Male physical inactivity is expensive for Europe

Inactivity is expensive, says the EMHF. Conditions related to obesity alone account for about 6% of national health care costs in Europe – more in many countries.

Ian Banks concluded: ‘With 13 European nations participating, many European men will be glued to their television sets during the World Cup watching some of the fittest men on the planet. But how many of those men will get up off their sofas to take some exercise themselves?

‘For the EU, its new competancy in the field of sport provides the perfect opportunity to help its citizens live happier, healthier lives despite the continent’s financial difficulties and to save money on long-term health care too. A win-win situation – just like an all-European World Cup final, in fact.‘


Page created on June 11th, 2010

Page updated on June 11th, 2010
