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Lives Too Short - The State of Men’s Health

This page contains the references for the statistics contained in Lives Too Short - The State of Men's Health.

The State of Men's Health was written in August 2010 and edited in September 2010. The printed poster was printed in October 2010. The statistics will be updated as new ones become available and as resources allow.

1. Office for National Statistics (2011), Life  expectancy at birth and at age 65 by local areas in the United Kingdom, 2004-06 to 2008-10.

2. Office for National Statistics (2013), Release: Life expectancy at birth and at age 65 by local areas in the England and Wales, 2009-11. Reference table: Local areas in England and Wales ranked according to male and female life expectancy at birth and at age 65 , 2000-02 to 2009-11. 

3. Office for National Statistics (2011), Trends in life expectancy by the National Statistics Socio-economic Classification 1982-2006.

4. ONS, Health Statistics Quarterly 47, Autumn 2010


6. General Lifestyle Survey 2008, chapter 7

7. Bajekal M. et al (2006), Focus on Health

8. NHS Information Centre, Hospital Episode Statistics: Accident and emergency attendances in England (experimental statistics), 2008-09

9. ONS, Suicide rates in the UK 1991-2008

10. Biehal N, Wade J and Mitchell F. Lost from view: Missing persons in the UK. Bristol: Policy Press; 2003

11. Ministry of Justice. Population in custody: Monthly tables, March 2009. England and Wales. London: Ministry of Justice; 2009

12. Social Exclusion Unit. Mental Health and Social Exclusion. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister; 2004

13. ONS, Mortality: Circulatory diseases - leading cause group, January 2006

14. National Cancer Intelligence Network et al, The Excess Burden of Cancer in Men in the UK

15. Cancer Research UK, Oesophageal cancer - UK incidence statistics, August 2010

16. NHS Information Centre, Statistics on obesity, physical activity and diet: England, February 2009

17. A prediction of Obesity Trends for Adults and their associated diseases. Analysis from the Health Survey for England 1993-2007. McPherson K, Brown M, Marsh T and Byatt T. (2010). Available to download from

18. NHS Information Centre, Health Survey for England 2008: Volume 1. Physical activity and fitness

19. ONS, Alcohol-related deaths in the United Kingdom, January 2010 

20. NHS Information Centre, Statistics on Smoking: England, 2009. September 2009


Page created on August 15th, 2013

Page updated on August 30th, 2013
