My role


Broader European role for Ian

MHF president Dr Ian Banks is taking a year’s sabbatical from the Forum to work full-time for the European Men’s Health Forum.

Ian BanksIan said: ‘with the MHF now firmly established in the UK as a major policy partner and tireless worker on behalf of the nation’s 30 million males, the time has come to turn our attention to Europe which has nearly ten times as many men – nearly ten times as many needlessly premature deaths.’

The EMHF has been operating for number of years playing a key role in, for example, promoting Men’s Health Week in EU member nations and developing resources to make the case for men’s health. Now, with the evolution of the EU’s role – this year, for example, the EU is drawing up its first ever policy on sport - the time is right to move the EMHF onto the next level.

Task number one for Ian is to establish a sound funding base. Ian, who has been president of the EMHF since the organisation began (just as he has for the MHF), is clearly the ideal man for the job. He remains MHF president and will continue to be actively involved on this side of the Channel.

‘We look forward to welcoming Ian back in a year’s time,’ said MHF CEO Peter Baker. ‘The MHF wouldn’t exist without Ian Banks. We’re sure he’ll do the same job for the EMHF as he has done for the MHF.

Page created on September 17th, 2010

Page updated on September 17th, 2010
