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The book all boys should be born with?

A men's health book you can read from cover to cover without losing the will to live. That's how malehealth editor Jim Pollard describes his new book, The User's Guide to the Male Body, published today.

Book coverAs the back cover blurb puts it, 'there's no longer any need to die young just because you're male'. The User's Guide to the Male Body spells out how to keep the male system running healthily for years to come:

  • the key applications, including the brain, heart, prostate and sex organs
  • the lazy man's guide to diet, alcohol, exercise, work, addiction, depression and mid-life crisis
  • what to do when the system goes down
  • and everything else you need to know, including a DIY health check.

When all else fails, read the instruction manual

In his foreword to 'the book that all boys should be born with', Men's Health Forum president, Dr Ian Banks says: 'This no-nonsense book reflects men's concerns and shows men what they can do about them.'

The world first professor of men's health Professor Alan White of Leeds Metropolitan University says:  'Jim Pollard has the rare talent of turning complex issues into plain speaking. His guide to the male body is an essential read for all men.'

Jim adds: 'The reality is that health is not top of most men's priorities. But that doesn't mean they're not interested. Books for dipping into are fine but, if men dip at all, too often they dip too late - once they're already ill. I've tried to write a book that any man of any age can happilly read from cover to cover BEFORE he gets ill and, as a result of the little changes it suggests, perhaps live a longer and healthier life.'

  • Shortlisted for both the BMA and the MJA Book of the Year Award
  • Watch the promo video
  • Download flyer
  • The User's Guide To The Male Body - Jim Pollard (Sheldon, 2009)  ISBN 978 1 84709 042 3
  • Price £8.99 in paperback, the book is available from bookshops, or Or order direct from Marston Book Services on 0123 546 5500.

Review by Dr David Devlin in the Medical Journalists' Association's journal

Book review

Page created on May 29th, 2009

Page updated on January 18th, 2013
