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Conference to consider circumcision and the law

Is non-therapeutic genital surgery illegal? Yes and this includes male circumcision. Do you agree?

Genital Autonomy is holding a two-day conference at Keele University on 'Law, human rights, and non-therapeutic interventions on children'.

The conference on 31 August and 1 September will consider the legal and human rights issues surrounding non-therapeutic genital surgery on male, female and intersex children. 

The organisers say: 'This conference is designed for professionals working in human rights, medical ethics and child protection especially in view of the recent publicity generated by a proposal to ban non-therapeutic male circumcision in San Francisco and the growing awareness of the damage inflicted on children by unnecessary surgical procedures.'

Genital Autonomy - slogan: it's a personal choice - is the advocacy organisation working with groups seeking an end to non-therapeutic genital surgery on children whether they are intersex, female or male


Page created on July 12th, 2011

Page updated on August 10th, 2011
