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Chlamydia screening strategy for men

The National Chlamydia Screening Programme has announced a pioneering strategy that will support equitable access to chlamydia screening by men - with a little help from the Forum.

phone number'We are delighted to have been able to help the NCSP put this strategy together,' says Peter Baker, MHF Chief Executive. 'This strategy is a model of excellent practice and proof that even large national health programmes can get to grips with improving male access if they take the issue seriously enough.

'NHS programmes must make sure that they reach out to men even where that is challenging and difficult.  An initiative like this also helps demonstrates to young men that they share the responsibility for good sexual health within a relationship.'

The MHF has been campaigning since 2002 for action to engage more men in the NCSP, even running its own pilot project in 2003 to demonstrate that targeted action could encourage young men to come forward for screening.

'No-one has ever disputed the importance of screening young men,' said David Wilkins, MHF Policy Officer, who led the 2003 project.  'The problem has always been that the opportunistic screening approach used by the NCSP has naturally led to greater engagement with young women.'




Page created on February 8th, 2008

Page updated on May 25th, 2010
