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Forum chief says goodbye after twelve successful years

Men’s Health Forum chief executive Peter Baker will be stepping down from the role on 10 August.

Peter has been CEO for 12 years and, in that time, has helped to take MHF from the marginsPeter Baker launches Men's Health Week to the mainstream, ensuring that men’s health can no longer be overlooked by the government, the NHS, local authorities, employers and others. Of particular significance has been MHF’s role, alongside a small number of other charities, as a Strategic Partner of the Department of Health since 2009.

Now one of the leading figures in men’s health in the UK, Peter will continue to work in the field as a thought leader, advocate and consultant. He will still be working closely with MHF, providing guidance and continuity as well as contributing to specific projects. Peter will also support a range of other organisations from all sectors who wish to develop their work with men and boys.

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Peter Baker said: 'It has been an enormous honour as well as a pleasure to lead the Men’s Health Forum over the past 12 years. We have certainly come a long way in that time and I’m proud to have helped develop a unique organisation which has made a significant difference to men’s health, is frequently said to "punch above its weight" and is well-placed to respond to the political and financial challenges ahead. I now feel that it’s time for me to play a wider, new and different role in the field as well as maintaining close links with MHF, an organisation that will always be close to my heart.'

Professor Alan White, MHF’s chair of Trustees and director of the Centre of Men’s Health at Leeds Metropolitan University, said: 'We are of course sad to lose Peter as our chief executive but are delighted that we will still be able to work with him in a different way. Peter has been a truly inspirational leader and no-one has worked more tirelessly to develop the charity or to promote its mission. His contribution as CEO will be missed by trustees, staff and our many partners and supporters.'

MHF plans to begin the recruitment of a new chief executive after the summer holidays. Anyone who wishes to express an interest in the role can email Alan White at

Page created on June 21st, 2012

Page updated on July 2nd, 2012
