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New staff join Forum's team

Three new staff members have joined the MHF team.

Errol Franklin, who started in December 2012, is Project Officer (Community Development). He will be working on the Men’s Health Improvement Programme for Lambeth and Southwark, which is funded by the Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Charity.

His work will initially focus on building and maintaining partnerships with key stakeholders and providing opportunities for men to get involved in shaping local services.

Errol said: 'A priority for the project is to engage with local men of Lambeth and Southwark to find out about their health concerns, the way services are being accessed, and how best to deliver services acceptable to men. Ultimately, the project, along with partner organisations, aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the men in Lambeth and Southwark.’

Damian Shannon, who started this month, is Business and Service Development Project Officer. He'll be working alongside Errol on the development of the Men’s Health Improvement Programme for Lambeth and Southwark. The project will assess and tackle the health inequalities experienced by men in these boroughs.

Damian's goal is to 'engage with men as much as possible' to shape the health improvement programme. His responsibilities include creating innovative and targeted interventions to achieve the primary aim of improving men’s health outcomes and reducing the health inequalities of men in Lambeth and Southwark.

Martin Tod, who also started this month, is interim chief executive charged with implementing the Forum's strategic plan and developing a work plan for 2013-14.

Page created on January 22nd, 2013

Page updated on January 24th, 2013
