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Leeds Hazardous presentations and video

Images from Leeds Hazardous WaistThe presentations from the MHF's regional conference for the Yorkshire and Humber region on men's weight, Hazardous Waist, are now ready to download from this website. The sessions are also now available on video.

The expert symposium was delivered in the Gandhi Hall at Leeds Metropolitan University by its Centre for Men's Health, co-hosted with the Regional Department of Health and the MHF. Speakers included Forum president Professor Ian Banks, vice-president Jane DeVille Almond and policy officer David Wilkins alongside Dr Adam Carey from the British Olympic Association, Professor Paul Johnstone, the Regional Director of Public Health, Jenne Dixit from Diabetes UK, Andrew Harrison from Bradford Health of Men and Kath Sharman from SHINE, the Young People's Weight Programme in Sheffield.

The symposium also saw the launch of the new MHF-backed book 'Hazardous Waist: tackling male weight problems'.

Page created on January 4th, 2008

Page updated on December 1st, 2009
