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Prostate awareness: don't miss the bus

The Prostate Cancer Charity has made the final of a competition to promote the benefits of bus-side advertising. The winning client will receive what the ad industry calls a 'medium weight' bus campaign in London. (We presume this refers to the size of the campaign rather than of the bus!)

The PPC's excellent ad, below, will battle it out with Visit Scotland and Texaco for the prize in a Grand Prix final. You can influence the outcome by voting for the PCC at the upeveryonesstreet website. Public voting will count for 50% in the final decision and the verdict of a panel of judges for the other 50%.

PCC bus-side ad 

Online voting is now open to 23rd July and the winner will be announced on 27th July. It'll only take a minute.

John Neate, the PCC's CEO, said: 'I'd be delighted if you felt able to add your vote for our advert, "Sorry, must dash", so that we can win free advertising space on London's buses — a superb way to increase awareness of prostate cancer and The Prostate Cancer Charity.'

Page created on July 17th, 2009

Page updated on December 1st, 2009
