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It's tough to talk about feeling down

What would you rather talk about than your feelings? Tell us in our survey.

We all know that many of us would rather talk about pretty much anything than talk about our feelings - especially if we're feeling down.

The MHF has taken up this idea for this year's Men's Health Week and is producing some posters like those on the right. Yes, it's tough for a man to admit he's a bad driver. But perhaps even that is easier than admitting you're feeling depressed, stressed or anxious. 

We are suggesting a whole host of subjects that men might be MORE likely to admit to than admitting to a mental health problem. Some are amusing - such as liking for Justin Bieber - and some are deadly serious - like erectile dysfunction. 

What do you think? What would men rather talk about than feeling down? Tell us in our survey.

It's fun but it raises a serious point. It might help all of us to talk about what's on our minds. And at the very least, it might improve the MHF's posters!




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Page created on May 15th, 2013

Page updated on June 7th, 2013
