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Visit the Men's Health Week 2012 website right now. Yolo.

It's not quite all singing and dancing (well, there is a bit of dancing) but the new MHF website for Men's Health Week is very different from those for previous weeks.

Yolo posterThe new site, which heralds the launch of both Men's Health Week 2012 and the MHF's new Yolo campaign includes information for both men and health organisations planning Men’s Health Week events.

The site is interactive. Take our heart health quiz. Send a Father's Day ecard. Download and order our great new posters. Order mini manuals. Register and list events. Find events in your area. Get involved and get active.

Men's Health Week 2012 focuses on the most common cause of death – and premature death – for men in the UK: heart disease. Men are three times more likely to die early from heart disease, especially men in lower income groups.

Our eye-catching new posters draw attention to this. MHF CEO Peter Baker says: ‘The Brits may love sexual innuendo but we find it difficult to talk about real sexual problems. Now we know that erection problems are the best early-warning we have of future heart disease, we can’t afford to carry on dying of embarrassment like this. Using humour and plain-speaking, our new Yolo posters for Men’s Health Week 2012 are designed to help break the taboo.’

The week, which ends on Father’s Day, provides a great opportunity to remind dads that they only live once and their health is important for the whole family. Put your heart into it. Yolo.

Still wondering what Yolo is all about? Find out at the website. You only live once.

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Page created on May 25th, 2012

Page updated on May 25th, 2012
