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MHF sits on regional inequalities reference group

Together with other third sector organisations, the MHF is sitting on a groundbreaking inequalities regional reference group led by the North West Strategic Health Authority (NWSHA).

NWSHA has set up service level agreements with several third sector organisations as part of its consultation process on a wide number of issues with a focus on health inequalities.  The MHF, the only non-regional body to sit on this group, was invited to be a member on the basis of its expertise on male health issues.

Consultations already carried out have included reviewing the SHA's policies on workforce development, mental health and communicating with diverse communities to name but a few.

Peter Baker, CEO of the MHF, said 'What the north west is doing is really a model for other parts of the NHS. I’m not aware of any other SHA or any other part of the NHS which has done something in this way and on this scale. It really is something others should be looking to - if they’re serious about delivering on equality issues'.

Page created on April 1st, 2010

Page updated on April 1st, 2010
