My role
My role
From relieving stress and anxiety to losing weight and reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes, physical activity has lots going for it. It can even improve male sexual performance!
The Week has three main objectives:
MHF acknowledges that women and girls are more likely to be inactive and that action must be taken to tackle this. But we believe that complementary action also needs to be taken to address the low levels of activity in many groups of men.
NMHW will not be a negative event focusing just on the problems that exist but will instead seek to promote a positive view of how the problems can be tackled by highlighting – and encouraging – better self-care by men and good practice within the health system and the world of sport.
As in previous years, NMHW 2010 will mark the start of a sustained work programme on improving men’s physical activity levels.
MHF aims to achieve the following through Men’s Health Week 2010 and subsequent work:
Page created on April 1st, 2010
Page updated on April 2nd, 2010