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Balloon Debate: who would you sacrifice?

Ian BanksThe MHF is hosting 'Tackling Men's Health - just a lot of hot air?' a debate to mark Men's Health Week at Body Worlds in Greenwich, London.

Dr Ian Banks, the president of the Men's Health Forum (pictured, right, in his impressive Balloon Master's costume) will quiz the balloon's passengers before an invited crowd decide who flies and who gets thrown overboard.

Will the passengers succeed in generating enough hot air for continued flight or will the balloon crash ignominiously to the ground? The passengers are:

BoormanDr Steve Boorman, left, Director Corporate Responsibility, Royal Mail Group and lead of the NHS Health and Well-being Review (The Boorman Review).

HiltonPhil Hilton, right, Editorial Director, ShortList magazine and former editor of Nuts and Men's Health.

MasonJonathan Mason, National Clinical Director for Primary Care and Community Pharmacy, Department of Health.

After the debate, the watching crowd will have their say before the Balloon Master makes his decision. There will be a post flight reception at Body Worlds.

The event is now fully booked but there'll be a full report and pictures afterwards.

Page created on June 11th, 2009

Page updated on December 1st, 2009
