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MPs urge PM to act now on AAA screening 

An early day motion in parliament calling for the swift introduction of the national screening programme for abdominal aortic aneurysms promised by Gordon Brown in his recent flagship health speech is attracting all party support.

The motion, which was posted by Howard Stoate, chair of the All-Party Group on Men's Health, notes the success of screening in Gloucestershire and calls on the government to 'announce a firm timetable for the programme's introduction without further delay'. It also notes the 'Men's Health Forum's campaign on this issue'.

Less than two days old, the motion has already been signed by prominent MPs from across the political spectrum including Conservatives such as former minister Peter Bottomley, Liberal Democrats such as former acting leader Vince Cable and many from the governing Labour Party.

Page created on January 11th, 2008

Page updated on December 1st, 2009
