My role


MHF responses to others' policy consultations


June - Department of Health Pacesetters Programme equality impact assessment - the Forum's response.


Jan - The House of Commons' Health Committee's inquiry into health inequalities. The Forum's submission.


Dec - Dame Carol Black's review of the health of Britain's working age population - the Forum's response 


Feb - Our Health, Our Care, Our Services - the Forum's response to the government White Paper

Jan - Advancing Equality for and Women - the Forum's response to the government's gender duty consultation.


Nov - the Forum's response to Your Health, Your Care, Your Services, the government's consultation on the future structure of community health care services


June - the Forum's response to Choosing Health?, the government's consultation for its forthcoming public health white paper

April - the Forum is interested in hearing your views on how the health of boys and men in England and Wales can be addressed in the forthcoming public health white paper. Click here to find out how your opinions can influence our response.


November - Response to Wanless Review of NHS Spending

October - Response to Department of Health consultation paper A vision for pharmacy in the new NHS


December - Scoping Study for the Department of Health by MHF's chair of trustees, Alan White.


December - Response to the Department of Health's consultation paper A National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV

August - Response to the Department of Health's consultation paper Tackling Health Inequalities

Page created on March 26th, 2008

Page updated on December 1st, 2009
