My role



Putting the Gender Duty into Men's Health Week

It is now over a year since the Gender Duty introduced under the Equality Act 2006 became law. Are you compliant?

In a nutshell, the duty requires NHS public sector bodies to ACTIVELY promote equality between men and women. In other words, to quote our slogan, it is the end of One Size Fits All health care.

NMHW is a great way for you to work towards meeting these new legal requirements. Taking part in the week can help your services reach more men and improve outcomes in your area. And we can help. The Men's Health Forum, the leading voluntary organisation promoting a gender-sensitive approach to health, is uniquely placed to offer help and information to enable organisations to prepare for and comply with the duty both during the Week and all year round.

For more information about what the gender duty means for your organisation and the services you provide, and how we can help you, visit our gender duty pages.

If you are with a voluntary sector organisation, you could join the Voluntary Sector Gender Duty Network. This new network seeks to support organisations running services for the public sector and to co-ordinate campaigns by organisations interested in gender and health.

Page created on April 22nd, 2008

Page updated on December 1st, 2009
