My role




National Men's Health Week 2008 is organised and administered by the Men's Health Forum with the NMHW Strategic Planning Group. But the events and activities which give the week its unique momentum are organised by you. Thank you. 

The Men's Health Forum

Founded in 1994, the Men's Health Forum is a not for profit, registered charity whose mission is to provide an independent and authoritative voice for male health and to tackle the issues affecting the health and well-being of boys and men in England and Wales.

The MHF's CEO Peter Baker and president Dr Ian Banks head up its NMHW team.

MHF membership provides year round news and resources as well as free and discounted events. Membership is popular with NHS and voluntary organisations and employers of men.

NMHW 2008 Strategic Planning Group

  • Dame Carol Black - National Director for Health and Work, DWP/DH
  • Dr Su Wang - Head of Health, Royal Mail
  • Dr Steve Boorman - Director of Corporate Social Responsibility, Royal Mail
  • Dr Lisa Birrell - Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Rolls-Royce plc (also representing the Faculty of Occupational Medicine)
  • Howard Saunders - Head of Strategy for Health at Work, HSE
  • James Steatham - Deputy Team Leader, Health and Work, Department of Health
  • Richard Jones - Director of Technical Affairs, IOSH
  • Dr Janet Asherson - Head of Health and Safety, CBI
  • Steve Mann - Telecoms Health and Safety Officer, CWU
  • Grace Mehanna - Business Action on Health, Business in the Community
  • Roger Bibbings - Occupational Safety Adviser, ROSPA
  • Erick Savoye - European Men's Health Forum
  • Graham Alison - RCN/ Bupa
  • John East - The Society of Occupational Medicine
  • Dr Neil Coulson - Deputy Director of the Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, Associate Professor in Health Psychology, University of Nottingham

Key partners and sponsors

International Men's Health Week

Link to a list of all those organisations who are organising men's health activity during June around the world

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Page created on April 23rd, 2008

Page updated on December 1st, 2009
