My role



Want to talk to the media?

If you are an employer, employee, event organiser, event attender or anyone else with an interesting story to tell about men's health at work or about Men's Health Week that you're happy to tell to the media to help get publicity for the Week, please let us know.

Can you help us make this year's National Men's Health Week the best yet? We're looking for men who have had support from their workplace with their health and would be happy to share their experiences.  You may have taken part in a lifestyle improvement programme with positive results, or improved your awareness of a particular condition and been able to reduce the risks by self examination. Do you have access to health check-ups at work which have meant that you've had a condition picked up at an early stage and been able to get treatment?

We are also keen to hear from organisations who are implementing lifestyle improvement programmes, for example, or who are seeing positive results from promoting men's health in the workplace in other ways.

The media are particularly interested in exceptional stories (eg. 'Once I was unable to work, but now I run my own company', 'The doctor told me that my job was killing me') but we would like to hear from all men who have an interesting story to tell about the link between work and health. 

All information will remain strictly private and confidential for use by the Mens Health Forum and their agents only and will not be passed to any other third party.

If you, or someone you know fits the criteria and are willing to be involved in media work for National Men's Health Week, please email or call Helen Stevens or Sara Lewis at the Forum's agency, Berkeley PR on 01454 629741 or use the box below.

Page created on May 15th, 2008

Page updated on December 1st, 2009
