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MHF Resources

Malehealth Mini-manuals - fast, effective, flexible health information for men.

Mini-manuals are available to buy on:

  • Men And Work, the mini-manual we're putting together with the government's Health, Work and Wellbeing team. 
  • Plus many other topics. Full details of the Malehealth Mini-manuals here. 

Work-Fit - a workplace-based health programme for men and women. - there are hundreds of printable pages of men's health information on malehealth, the MHF's health information site, including both a DIY health check and an online MOT as well as other quizzes. It also has a section on Men At Work dealing with FAQs. There is also a Generic Men's Health Quiz here on the MHF site.

Hazardous Waist - the acclaimed book edited by MHF chair Professsor Alan White and Maggie Pettifer, the organiser of the MHF conference of the same name includes a useful chapter available here as a PDF:

Men's Health: How To Do It - edited by David Conrad and MHF chair Professor Alan White, this concise, easy to read guide offers a no-nonsense, practical approach to the development and implementation of men's health programmes based on years of experience.

Two useful sample chapters are available here as PDFs: 

Previous Men's Health Week Resource Packs are also still online providing resources on long-term conditions (2007) and on men and mental health (2006). Both are very relevant to the workplace and include a lot of general resources too. (General resources are here for 2006 and here for 2007 - check them out because they are NOT duplicated here.) 

Men's Health Forum posters:

We have A4 colour versions of the Bedside and Skateboard posters available through our office. If you would like copies, please order using the box at the bottom of the page 

Logos - feel free to use both the Standard NMHW logo in blue and the 4.7MB version on your own documents. (Both jpgs.)

TUC resources

Worksmart ( - the TUC describe their website for workers (rather than union reps) as 'here to help today's working people get the best out of the world of work'. It has some useful sections on health.

Hazards At Work - the completely revised and up-dated second edition of the TUC's best-selling book on health and safety at work.

HSE Resources

As well as general information, the HSE has information on all workplace-related illnesses from asbestos and asthma to stress and noise. It is targeted at the employer rather than the employee or health worker.

Other Resources

Think Fit logoBritish Heart Foundation: the BHF have some terrific resources available as part of their Think Fit inititive including a dedicated website looking at health, wellness and being active at work. There's a Think Fit pack and many other downloads including posters, presentations, checklists and activity programmes.

Sport England: Creating a healthy, active workplace - A workplace health resource for company directors, managers and employees. This includes workplace case studies

Work Foundation: not-for-profit organisation led by Will Hutton that 'brings all sides of working organisations together to find the best ways of improving both economic performance and quality of working life'. Runs its own website and one on work-life balance. Includes a fact-sheet featuring work-life balance case studies.

Australian Men's Health Week Resource Pack: very useful resource pack developed by Men's Health Information and Resource Centre (MHIRC) at the University of Western Sydney. Contains a broad range of factsheets that can be easily printed off and distributed.

Foundation 49: Australian men's health organisation working in the workplace with useful resources for health check-ups including the One Minute Check-Up and one using the Goldberg Depression and Anxiety Scales to check for depression.

Bradford-based Health of Men project also offer an information sheet on their health MOTs.

Health At Work: part of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde includes a section on men's health

Equip - a list of men's health resource websites put together by the Library Services Development Unit, NHS West Midlands

Prostate Cancer Charity - good new set of resources on this most common of male cancers.

Another health quiz from the USA.

Men's Health Websites

Page created on April 22nd, 2008

Page updated on December 1st, 2009
