My role
My role
The Men's Health Forum website is back and fighting fit. The official relaunch takes place later this month. In the meantime, we need your help.
We want the men's health policy community to find this site useful - invaluable even. To achieve that, it needs to be up to date.
We've streamlined our diary system so that it can be updated more easily. Let us know of your events and or any you know about and we'll post them.
We're intending to introduce a Job Finder service advertising relevant posts and freelance opportunities. It will be free.
Please sign-up here to receive our free newsletter. You can also participate in email discussion with others in the men's health community if you wish.
Make sure this site is on your press list so we can post suitable news here.
Low-fat? Reduced sugar? Well, that description is no less inaccurate than on most food labels. Rather more truthful in fact since we have stripped a lot of the flab out of the site and made it much easier for you to find all the excellent content that we've been hiding away from you in past.
Please have a good look round and let us know what you think and what you'd like to see.