My role
My role
According to National Statistics, the UK has 40 million adult internet users, with 30 million people using the web every day.
But there are 9 million adults in the UK who have never used the internet.
Four million of those are among the most disadvantaged:
Once men are online they like to use it for health information (at least, compared to the alternatives!)
70% of respondents to a survey in 2009 said the internet was their first stop for health information mainly because it was quick, private and free.
According to National Statistics, 37% of men used the internet for health information in 2009, up from 31% in 2008.
More internet stats from National Statistics:
More men's health stats from the MHF's Lives Too Short campaign.
Page created on January 18th, 2011
Page updated on January 27th, 2011