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You can get addicted to pretty much anything including the internet.
Addiction takes many forms. There's a section on addiction on malehealth. It's possible to become addicted to the internet. However, some people who appear addicted to the internet may actually be addicted to something they access through the internet such as pornography or gambling rather than to the net itself.
Worried you might be addicted? Here are some questions to ask yourself:
There is commercial US site on internet addiction:
The BBC World Service broadcast a programme on internet addiction on 23 March 2011 called Caught in the Web. You can download a 13Mb podcast or link to the page of the Discovery strand on which it was broadcast. The programme explores various aspects of internet addiction, including trying to define the term through exploring some of the psychological aspects of this condition. The programme looks at these issues in a number of places, not least China (which has the highest number of internet users) where there are over 200 clinics to support people with Internet Addiction.
Page created on March 24th, 2011
Page updated on June 9th, 2011